Petitioning Policy
As a limited public forum, the Clearwater Public Library System allows petitioning, canvassing, polling, and other free speech activities on its property in furtherance of its mission to promote a well-informed citizenry.
Such activities must be in the interests of the community and/or non-profit- or government-sponsored and cannot be commercial in any way.
Individuals and/or groups may set up outside the library building as long as they do not obstruct patrons from entering or exiting. Individuals and/or groups may not physically approach patrons or disturb them with intimidating, aggressive, or inappropriate behavior. Individuals and/or groups may not impede the normal operation of the library.
The library will not provide any equipment, including tables and chairs, to individuals or groups who intend to set up outside the library. Individuals and/or groups may not use sound amplification nor affix materials of any kind to the property.
When the library is an official election polling place, patrons must abide by the rules set forth by the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections.
Government-sponsored groups may set up inside the library with the permission of Library Administration or its designated representative. Any person or group inside the building must abide by the library's Code of Conduct.
Any individuals and/or groups who violate this policy and/or the library's Code of Conduct will be asked to leave and may be trespassed from the property.
Reviewed July 2019