Summary of Borrowing Rules for Most Common Items

Material Type Checkout Limit Loan Period in Days Renewals Hold Request Limit
Audiobooks 25 28 3 25
Books-most 50 28 3 25
Books-new 50 14 3 25
DVDs/Blu-rays 25 7 3 25
Interlibrary Loans* 5 Varies Varies 5
Magazines 50 14 3 0
Music CDs 25 14 3 25
Video games 5 14 3 25
 Libby (Overdrive) 10/month Varies per format 1  7
 Hoopla 10/month Varies per format  N/A N/A
 Freegal 5 downloads/month N/A N/A N/A
Kanopy 10 titles/month Varies per title N/A N/A

*The Clearwater Public Library System does not offer Interlibrary Loan service. Please check with other PPLC libraries for their services.

Checkout Limits: Individual accounts are limited to a cumulative total of 50 items.

Renewals will not be granted if outstanding requests are pending for a title.

  • Checked-out items that do not have any requests on them will be renewed automatically up to two times.
  • The PPLC renewal line is (727) 286-6894. Eligible items will be renewed automatically up to two times before their due date. Patrons may also renew materials online:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on My Account.
  3. Click login.
  4. Sign in using your username and PIN/password.
  5. Select the items you would like to renew.
  6. Click Renew.

Hold Request Limit: Individual accounts are limited to a cumulative total of 25 pending requests.

To place a hold:

  1. Click Search the Catalog on the library's homepage.
  2. Search for your desired title and click on the title you would like.
  3. Click Place Hold and enter your library card number and PIN/password
  4. Choose your pickup library, and click Place Hold(s).
  5. You will be notified when your item is ready to pick up.

PPLC member libraries are overdue fine free effective October 1, 2021.

  • Some libraries assess fines on specialty items due to limited availability and popularity.
  • Fines on accounts prior to October 1, 2021 are eliminated.
  • Charges for lost and damaged items will remain.
  • If items are not returned by the 10-day grace period, borrowing privileges are locked until items are returned in good condition.
  • If items are not returned in good condition, borrowers will be charged the replacement cost of the item(s) plus fees.

Some individual libraries offer unique collections of items with different loan periods, hold restrictions, and/or fine structure.

Reviewed October 2021